
What Form Do I Use to Start the Worker’ Comp Claims Process in California?

Hurt on the job in Fresno, Fresno County, or elsewhere in the surrounding region in Central California? You have the right to file for workers’ comp benefits. This raises an important question: What form do you need to fill out to file for workers’ comp in California? The short answer is that the firm is referred to

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Five Duties an Employer Owes to You After a Workplace Accident in California 

All workers in Fresno County are entitled to no-fault workers comp coverage under California Labor Code § 3700. If you sustained a work injury, you have the right to seek workers’ comp benefits for medical care and wage replacement. Beyond that, your employer owes you certain basic duties after an accident. In this article, you will find

Five Duties an Employer Owes to You After a Workplace Accident in California  Read More »

California Workers’ Comp Claims: Your Rights if Your Employer is Uninsured

Workers’ comp insurance provides much needed financial protection to people hurt at work. By law, your employer is required to pay for your workerscompensation insurance California Labor Code § 3700). Unfortunately, not all businesses and organizations in Fresno County comply with the law.  This raises an important question: What options do injured workers have if their

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An Overview of Workplace Violence and Workers’ Comp in California

Unfortunately, workplace violence is a serious public safety problem in our country. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) reports that occupational violence 21,000 injuries and 450 fatalities each year. Violence in the workplace can occur in a wide range of different circumstances. It may be committed by intruders, customers, co-workers, or even managers.  You

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What Happens if I am Injured While Working at Home in California?

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, more employees are working from home—at least on a part-time basis. According to the California Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO), 40% of the state’s total workforce are employed in positions that could be done solely or partially remotely. As accidents can happen anywhere, the rise of work-from-home has created some

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Work-Related Car Accidents in California: Know Your Rights

Motor vehicle collisions are among the leading causes of serious injuries. The California Office of Traffic Safety reports that more than 275,000 people are hurt in crashes in the state annually. When a car accident is work-related, you have the right to file for workers’ comp benefits—in addition to pursuing any other available legal remedies. In this

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Four Reasons to Hire a Workers’ Compensation Attorney in Fresno

According to data collected and published by the California Department of Industrial Relations, approximately half a million workers are injured on the job in the state each year. Thankfully, most of these injuries are relatively minor. If a workers’ comp claim is required, an employee may even be able to handle all of the paperwork on

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Can I be Fired for Filing for Workers’ Compensation in California?

Similar to the vast majority of jurisdictions in the United States, California is an at-will employment state. In effect, this means an employer is allowed to terminate a worker for virtually any reason, including for no reason at all. However, employers cannot terminate workers for an illegal reason. 

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California Workers’ Comp: Who Decides if I am Ready to Return to Work?

Following a workplace accident, most people want to get healed up and back to the job as soon as possible. Of course, rushing back before you are physically ready to return to work could be a major mistake. You need to take the time that is necessary to make sure that you are healthy enough

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